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American Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (ACCC), was founded in Houston in 2018, is a non-profit organization that promotes commercial relations between the Caribbean and United States. ACCC promotes the development of Caribbean businesses in Texas.
The associated business community works in the Texas economy, which is in second place after the California among the fastest growing economies in the United States.

Houston is the world capital of oil& gas, and the most important multinational companies related to the oil industry. Texas has the highest concentration of medical centers and scientific research institutes in the world. The NASA Johnson Space center completes the portrait of a metropolis to vast international reach with a strong and rapid economy growth.

The Head Office of the ACCC is located in Houston; we have two more representative offices in Dallas and Austin, the capital of Texas and a new branch in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The voice of business in the global diaspora

What is ACCC?

American Caribbean Chamber of Commerce promotes the establishment of business networking between the Chamber and its members on the basis of transparent and clear standards. These activities in support of the internationalization of the Caribbean businesses and territories, determining the principles of management and delivery; the page features to the companies and Public Administration a framework of the services offered and their average costs. The costs showed in the page are to be considered as average values of reference and cannot substitute for a specific quotation, that will be provided when requesting a service.

Our Goals

Assist the customers through free and paid services, ranging from initial guidance information on the individual market to specific support, positioning and strategies of consolidation of Caribbean firms in foreign markets, as well as those locals who want to collaborate with Caribbean small and middle size enterprises.
Create matchmaking events and activities to give companies the chance to meet foreign counterparts whom introduce productive collaboration, technological, commercial proposals.


Promote and enhance the excellence of Caribbean territory, by spreading the peculiarities and the know how also by carrying out delegations of Caribbean, Latin America, and African companies, abroad, or incoming mission of US companies and foreign operators directly on the territories where Caribbean Islands, Latin America, African companies operate.

Provide expertise on how to operate in the Country, through targeted training interventions to individual companies and/or professionals; or through internships in collaboration with major Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and foreign Universities.

To achieve our goals, we work with our members and with Caribbean, Latin America, Africa and local businesses, as well as all relevant public and private companies, which acting in an organized manner to support the internationalization of enterprises, in particular: Regions, Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, exhibitions, consortia, cooperatives, enterprise networks, industrial districts, banks, land development and economic government departments, International organizations.

Our Mission

To promote growth and prosperity; provide networking opportunities for Chamber members to generate mutual benefits international and national; and advocate for the interests of the  American Caribbean business community with all levels of government  nationally and internationally.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Strengthening commerce and industry both  national and international matters.

Our Role

Acting on behalf of the members to influence economic, social and government challenges and issues in support of economic prosperity and the sustainability of all ACCC communities both national and international.

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